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Governor Youngkin sits smiling at his desk wearing a blue suit and red tie - white text reads "GOVERNOR YOUNGKIN ANNOUNCES OVER $22 MILLION IN AFFORDABLE AND SPECIAL NEEDS HOUSING LOANS"

Funding will support new construction and rehabilitation of 877 affordable and special needs housing units Governor Glenn Youngkin announced today more than $22 million in Affordable and Special Needs Housing loans for 14 projects across the Commonwealth. The recommended projects will create and preserve 877 total units for low-income and extremely low-income households.   "By bolstering Virginia's affordable housing stock, we are strengthening our growing economy and planting the seeds of lasting economic empowerment through the power of home ownership," said Governor Glenn Youngkin. "By making targeted investments in transformational projects, we can create an even brighter future with greater opportunities for all Virginians."  The Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) administers Affordable and Special Needs Housing (ASNH) loans, which combines state and federal resources to provide a simplified and comprehensive application process. Funding comes from four main sources: the federal HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME), the federal National Housing Trust Fund (NHFT), Housing Innovations in Energy Efficiency (HIEE) and the Virginia Housing Trust Fund (VHTF).  VHTF is provided by the General Assembly and supports financing for housing construction projects that create or preserve affordable housing units, reduce the cost of affordable housing and increase homeownership. This funding is a key source of financing for these affordable housing initiatives to support moderate- and low-income families, as well as supporting homeless reduction grants to provide rapid re-housing and longer-term housing solutions for individuals experiencing chronic homelessness.  "Accessible and affordable housing is the cornerstone of any thriving economy, and we are unwavering in our commitment to fulfilling this vital resource across the Commonwealth," said Secretary of Commerce and Trade Caren Merrick. "These awarded projects will increase our affordable housing by more than 877 units and foster a stronger Virginia for all."  "The ASNH program serves as a crucial factor to making affordable housing available to hard working families and our most vulnerable Virginians," said Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development Director Bryan Horn. "These awarded projects will leverage $230 million in additional federal, state, local and private lending resources to create and preserve housing options across Virginia."  Affordable and Special Needs Housing loans are awarded through a competitive process. Fifty-five applications were received for this round of funding, requesting more than $112 million. To learn more about the ASNH program, visit    

a picture of Governor Glenn Youngkin in a blue suit and red tie with the outline of Virginia in the background - blue text reads "Governor Youngkin announces $7.4 million Appalachian Regional Commission Funding"

Grants will create jobs, improve infrastructure and support local businesses in Virginia’s Appalachian Region Governor Glenn Youngkin today announced that he is recommending 13 projects for funding by the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC), totaling $7.4 million in grants. ARC will finalize approval of these project awards later this year. “These projects represent the innovation and strong entrepreneurial spirit of the Appalachian region,” said Governor Glenn Youngkin. “ARC plays a pivotal role in empowering our Appalachian communities to address their unique challenges, capitalize on their unique assets and drive positive change throughout the region.” Established in 1965, the goal of the ARC program is to assist the region in achieving economic parity reflective of the nation’s overall economic growth. The Virginia ARC region encompasses 25 counties and eight independent cities in Southwest Virginia. ARC grants are aimed at supporting the goal of building a strong and sustainable asset-based economy by funding projects that serve as catalysts for bringing jobs and prosperity to Appalachian communities, all while preserving their character. “As we grow Virginia’s economy, we must ensure that Appalachian regions, communities and residents are not left behind,” said Secretary of Commerce and Trade Caren Merrick. “By investing in targeted, community-identified projects, we are offering support where localities need it most and building a stronger, more resilient Appalachia.” “ARC funding plays a pivotal role in transforming underserved Appalachian communities in a way that preserves the unique history, ambiance and assets of the region,” said Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development Director Bryan Horn. “The flexibility of the ARC program allows us to offer targeted assistance to fill funding gaps and empower Virginia’s unique Appalachian communities.” The Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) works with localities and stakeholders in the region to develop strategic projects, which are evaluated by DHCD and the Governor, to be recommended to the federal commission for approval.  Additional information about ARC is available here.

Picture of Governor Glenn Youngkin next to blue text that reads "Governor Youngkin Announces Over $690,000 Small Business Development and Community Revitalization Grants"

Funding will support creating and expanding small businesses, revitalizing downtown districts and filling vacant storefronts Governor Glenn Youngkin announced today over $690,000 in Virginia Main Street (VMS) and Community Business Launch (CBL) grants for 16 projects across the Commonwealth. The funded projects will revitalize historic commercial districts and create and expand small businesses.   “Downtowns and small businesses are the heart and soul of so many communities across the Commonwealth, and my administration recognizes the importance of supporting strong entrepreneurial ecosystems in our downtown districts,” said Governor Glenn Youngkin. “By investing in our small business communities and historic downtowns, we are growing local economies and ensuring that Virginia is open for business.”   The Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) administers all three programs, and the funding is utilized to support small business creation and expansion, as well as the revitalization of historic downtown and Virginia Main Street districts.   “These grant programs allow us to provide targeted assistance to address community-identified challenges facing Virginia’s small businesses, downtowns and historic commercial districts,” said Secretary of Commerce and Trade Caren Merrick. “These investments will ensure that, as we grow Virginia’s economy, we are supporting our local economies and creating strategic growth opportunities while preserving the unique character of these communities across the Commonwealth.”  CBL projects train entrepreneurs and small-business owners on business planning practices, culminating in a group of finalists pitching their ideas to a panel of judges with winners receiving grant funding and support services from the community to kick-start their new venture.   VMS Downtown Investment Grants (DIG) support Advancing Virginia Main Street communities and can be used to fund complete projects, provide seed funding for new projects or provide gap financing that allows a project to become fully funded. VMS Community Vitality Grants (CVG) assist organizations and communities in achieving their downtown revitalization goals and are available to all active Exploring Main Street and Mobilizing Main Street communities and organizations.   “Through the VMS and CBL programs, we are able to make targeted and strategic investments in these communities, creating the best possible catalyst for revitalization and economic growth,” said Bryan Horn, Director of the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development. “These 16 projects will leverage more than $558,000 in additional public and private investments in these communities.”  To learn more about Community Business Launch, visit To learn more about Virginia Main Street, visit

Upcoming Events


DHCD is developing an application for the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)’s Preservation and Reinvestment Initiative for Community Enhancement (PRICE) Grant, intended to preserve long-term housing affordability for manufactured housing communities. Read the draft application here, and the Spanish/Español version here

Tenant and Landlord Resources

Current state law requires landlords and tenants to cooperate with each other in matters regarding nonpayment of rent and applying for rental assistance based on income eligibility and availability of rental assistance funds. If you feel like this is not happening, you should contact an attorney to learn more about your legal rights.

Homeless Assistance and Prevention

Those experiencing homelessness or other housing crisis should contact their local crisis assistance hotline by clicking here to find your local hotline.

Career Opportunities

Want to join the DHCD team? In order to apply for a DHCD position, applicants must apply online. DHCD is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer. 

Virginia Governor's Housing Conference

Mark your calendar for the 2024 Virginia Governor’s Housing Conference Nov. 13-15 in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Join us for this three-day event packed full of educational sessions led by experts in housing, finance, and community development.

Partners for Better Communities Podcast

Each episode features the voices of leaders and change makers across the commonwealth. We'll look at the innovation and inspiration at play as local, regional, and state leaders work together to create safe, affordable, and prosperous communities.

Virginia Main Street Blog

Check out the latest happenings in the Main Street and downtown revitalization world through the Virginia Main Street Blog.

2018 Code Development Process

The Virginia Building Codes are updated through the code development process. Virginia is a leader in building and fire code development, and stakeholder input is vital to Virginia’s code development process. Participation is encouraged and remote participation is made possible through cdpVA.

Landlord Tenant Handbook

The Virginia Residential Landlord and Tenant Act (VRLTA) handbook has been prepared to provide information on the rights, remedies and responsibilities of landlords and renters concerning the rental process. Before signing a lease, prospective tenants should read and understand the terms of the contract. Consulting a lawyer or the landlord for clarification of the rental agreement is advisable.