Creating Community Vitality Webinar: Kickoff

Workshops and Webinars
1/13/2021 11:00 am to 1/13/2021 12:15 pm

Event Description

Series Kickoff: Equity, Vitality and Inclusion

January 13, 2021
11 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.

Speaker: Monique Johnson, Chief Operating Officer, Better Housing Coalition

The inflection points across 2020 will likely lead to seismic shifts in our communities for years to come. In addition to prompting us to reimagine community vibrancy, culture and connection, those shifts will also require exploring whether our systems, tools and solutions have supported desirable outcomes from the communities served. This webinar will encourage participants to question: How do we define community? Can we create community as community developers? What have been our contributions, where have we fallen short and where might we need to reset? What tools and approaches are there to help us remain responsive to the diverse needs of our constituency?

